Bigggg trust. Neuter your dog at the 8-10 month age range of your pup. No you are not going to breed them. Vets will say wait a year or they will not grow to full size, have hip problems… NO that’s cap. Neutering them earlier is always best for the dog. It takes a huge weight off their shoulders = less anxiety + better behavior + better communication with human + less seperation anxiety + less marking + other benefits. Most dog watchers will not even watch dogs that are not neutered because of the likelihood of issues. I have not made that an offical decree in my dog watching by laws but I have thought about it DEFINIETLY for puppies. Unneutered pups between the ages of 8 months – 2 years are certainly more likely to have high energy, humpy, no chill, bad obedience. If a dog is older, over 3, unneutered they may be ok to watch but I guarentee they would be better if they would have been neutered by 10 months AT THE LATEST. When someone wants me to watch their dog and it is 11 months unneutered in my mind I am like,
“Why have you not neutered this dog?” <br> “Oh the vet said….yadda yadda.”<br>*eyeroll “We are not taking any new members at this time. Thank you”<br>How do I know this? I have watched many unneutered and neutered dogs. Believe me if you want, do your own research, imagine what you would be like as an unneutered dog…terrible. I know you feel bad about doing it MAYBE well that’s you over humanizing your dog. For them this is the best thing. Fight me. Thank you. Woof