It’s like a home. If you live in apartment and REALLY want a dog. I would suggest getting a dog 40lbs maybe 50 lbs at max. You don’t want to buy a huge house that you can not easy afford the utilities and to furnish right? Similar with a dog. More so with time and the dogs energy and vibes. A big high energy dog in a 2000 sq ft apartment is trouble for the dogs future personality and jitters. Also if you live in an apartment you should try to be on the ground floor for easy go outside access. One client who we love, she has a giant poodle and lives in apartment. Add a late neutering and alot of kennel life you really are not setting yourself or your doggy up for success. Yes it is a 2000 sq footer but still that’s alot of dog. Yes it can work out but we advise get a dog that is the right size for you.