Ok do not get one and drive your neighbors and yourself crazy. Be my guest. If you have a barky dog and do not have a bark collar you are doing a disservice to your dog by repremanding them when barking. The one I use have a vibrate feature with 1 – 5 strength, and an OPTIONAL shock feature with a 1-5 strength. Me and my cousin put these collars on shock level 3 and shocked ourselves and it was fine. On 1 you barely feel it. These collars change lives. People be having dogs that bark all the time why do you not have one of these? Do you feel it is inhumane? Well it is not. It helps the dog manage their own anxiety to be honest. Them barking alot is just them trying to show they are tough when it is unnecessary. Just like annoying people do. Sometimes I wish we could put bark collars on people too but let’s not go there right now.

Do you think I want to use bark collars?

Do you think I wake up in the morning, yawn, stretch and think…”I can NOT WAIT to use some bark collars on dogs today. This excites me so much. I love watching a dog and asking them 50 times to keep down the unnecessary barking and they just ignore me and keep doing it when they feel like it. Someone comes home bark, ok play time is getting fun bark bark ok, neighbor dogs bark, bark bark back ok. But more than that and when I say, “No bark”. You ignore, or look at me like, “Bro I can’t help it I am a barky dog,” and continue to woof woof. Help a dog watcher out here. Had these 2 austrailian shepherds over; both from the same house, both about 2 – 3 years old. I watch barky dogs all the time and do not use collars. If it is excessive I nicely message the owner asking if it is cool if I use a bark collar, usually they all say yes. This guy got mad at me and left a snotty review because I forgot to ask and he saw the bark collars on pickup. Honestly there hair was so long they could barely even feel the vibration but the collars COMPLETELY WORKED. My neighbor has 2 australian shepherds 2, I watch austrailian sheps all the time, popular pups. Neighbor dogs would bark, and these 2 would be inside the house barking thru the wall at them. I could not believe it, never seen it before. Dogs were cool besides the barking thing. All I could think was man, this guy has some barky dogs and does nothing about it. His neighbors secretly hate him I am sure. Especially if you live in an apartment if you do not have a bark collar you are tripping. Sometimes people’s dogs, howl, and sing, when they are gone and they just remote annoying their neighbors because they are too “good” to use a bark collar. Miss me with that attitude. Dogs don’t mind boundaries, in fact they appreciate them. It tightens the human – dog bond. Ok don’t believe me it’s cool. I have only watched dogs 600 + times, with over 200 5 star reviews, 70 repeat customers….I do not know what I’m saying lol

End with this, the funniest bark collar story I have is how I was introduced to bark collars by the golden doodle Murhpy. Murphy was a fun dog about 2 years. Nice, russian, woman drops off Murphy with a bad\g, and we are chatting. I go thru the bag….”Ok food, harness, what is this?” “Bark collar.” I was like hallejuah x2, this woman gave me a bark collar for her dog. Like did my job for me a bit. (This is also good when clients give me chill pills for their dogs.). The thing was Murphy was not even barky. He was chill yes he would bark here and there while playing but it was not even close to an issue. Looked up the collar…Dr X Trainer on Amazon. Bought 4 that day. I should start doing marketing for them…hey Dr. X T. Let’s chat. Ok thank you, bye. WOOF